

Friday, May 27, 2011

February - May 2011

So much has transpired in such a short amount of time.  Where to begin...that is the true question.

Leah - Finished paramedic school and took the NYS paramedic exam (may 19, 2011); working hard at TLC, Inc ambulance full time (42 hrs / week); found out I am expecting (january 12, 2012); dont know what a day off feels like.  It feels like there is something every day; still Sunday school teacher for the 12 - 14 yr olds at church

Mike - Full time working at MacKenzie-Childs, Ltd (40 / week); taking care of the outside work of the house; getting ready to take on Phoenix Schooling in July; still the clerk at the church; cant wait for the new baby; doing great with picking up the slack of the kitty litter for me since Im not allowed.

Brycen - Doing great in school; cant wait for summer vacation; loves Nickelodeon and Disney TV and sometimes Cartoon Network (when we allow it); his hand writing getting much better; reading above grade level; loves the idea of being a big brother; loves the cats.

Zora & Prince - Pampered kitties; get snacks once a day; naps in the afternoon on my lap; try to escape when my hands are full.  Sometimes they are successful but get a tap on the bum when they do...they are indoor kitties; they turned 1 on the 23rd of May.

We lost a very important member to our family at the end of April...he was a brother-like figure to me (as well as his twin brothers) since I was born.  He had acute form of Leukemia.  He fought a great fight; his funeral was amazing; as well as his brother sang The Lord's Prayer.  His 16 yr old son designed the front of the program.  I cant imagine the feelings they are feeling.  I was devastated to learn of his passing but so glad I went to the funeral.   

I am so thankful for my family and my other family, as well as my friends who love me and my family for who we are.  We Zumba at my house every Wednesday night at is a blast.  Anyone who wants to join us for this festive event is more than welcome...we also have a great and easy dinner. 

I love my Elder Bradley who is in Spain and doing the Lord's work...we are so pleased with him.  Also, so happy for the new Ames baby in September...not to mention the amazing Poe and Rowland boys that have joined our family last year.  What an amazing family we have and how we have grown.  Love you all.  See you next month for more on the Kishpaugh's!