

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Quarantine 2020!

Good day bloggers!

So a lot has taken place....

We went to parks; Payson has his first dance recital.  

We took a trip to Hershey Park August 2019 just me and the boys.  Mike lost his job and got a new one so it wasn't logical for him to take a week off right on the spot.


Brycen survived Middle School and is now a Sophomore at Auburn High School (Class of 2022)!  Brycen got his first "big man" job at Dickman Farms Gardening Center.  He is so excited.  He started 5/2/20.  Payson is a budding 2nd grader.  Mike lost his job at Practice Resource and rejoined MacKenzie Childs (for the 3rd time).  I am still at TLC on y 13th year.

Recently, March 14 New York State closed down because of COVID-19 and the kids have been distance learning and homeschooling since 3/16/20.  A HUGE change to our lifestyle but Brycen is a trooper and he is on top of his classes.  Payson and I have been working out a system in a spiral notebook as well as mailing folders for his completed work.  The kids will NOT be going back to the classroom until September 2020, direct from Governor Cuomo.  Classes are being taught on zoom.  Dance has been postponed but a google drive was sent so Payson can still practice.  The show will go on but no clue when.  They are hoping for a fall recital.  

As for my work, I have to wear N95 or surgical masks; goggles; Tyvek suit for ANY and ALL possible COVID cases.  I have to wear a mask on all calls.  Our call volume is very down for now because people are scared to go to the hospitals or out generally.

Churches are closed as well as temples.  Church meetings are on zoom now.  All stores we have to wear some type of face coverings, as well as, out and about.  We are suppose to be social distancing but we do go to my parent's house and have dinner and take care of their lawn and house.  I mean they are almost 80 and it isn't fair for them to do it all.  Speaking of family, my nephew Nate Bradley, who drives for Brink, we in the area 5/2/20 and had a long layover and he got to spend the day with my parents.  What a fun surprise we pulled off.

I wish life wasn't so confusing for the kids.  I wish life was "normal".  Cayuga County has stated on birth years even can go out for non essential things on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; were odd years can go out the other days.  Parks are closed to playing.  Life as we knew it is over  A new normal has taken over.  Kids are stir crazy but we have combated it with puzzles and movies and chores.

On a brighter note, family time has taken on new meaning.  We are striving to make the best of the situation.  I hope this blog finds everyone happy; healthy and safe.  As the celebrities have been saying...we will get through this together.

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