

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Septmber 2004 - September 2010

Brycen had heart surgery December 2004. Brycen's hole in the ventricular wall was repaired with a tephlon patch. Then they found a second hole in the atrial wall. That hole is still open.

Brycen was cleared to moved to New York when he was 6 months old. Brycen's parents moved their family from Kinston, NC to Aurora, NY to live with Leah's parents. They are currently looking for their own home.

Leah and Mike got jobs and maintained their bills. Brycen spent most of the days with sitters. At 4 he was accepted into the PreK program and then into Kindergarten. He is currently in 1st grade and thriving.

Leah and Mike have had many struggles; emotionally, financially, in the marriage. Within the years their marriage strengthened and many roller coaster rides. Many weekender and memories made.

Now, we are a happy family. Now, we have many responsibilities in the community and church. I am the Youth Sunday School Teacher. Mike is the Ward Clerk. Brycen loves primary.

We have found that I am allergic to the environment and mike is allergic to the environment and to certain foods. We are so grateful for a family in the ward that has started a group about living with food allergies.

We have been spending holidays with family and what a joy that is. We sorely miss the family that is far away. We miss our friends that are not near us. We miss those who have passed unexpectedly or expectedly.

We love going to movies and being outside. So many more memories to share as this blog grows. Also, we are so proud of Brad in his decision to serve a mission in Spain.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! We're flattered that you mentioned us! We'll be incorporating environmental stuff too. They go hand in hand!
