

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 2011

This month has been interesting. Brycen has adjusted to the new house and the kittens and doing well in school. A week off of school is coming up and he is so thrilled.

I am in the Paramedic refresher program and will be done with that in May. I still work full-time and love it...the hours are not so fabulous...but it pays the bills and we are able to work our schedules with Brycen's schedule.

Mike has had 3 episodes of palpitations in the last 2 years. He has been in the ER twice and the last time he was in the ER...they said that he had to see a cardiologist and get a stress test, because there was chest wall involvement, but nothing screamed at the ER doctor to make him keep Mike in the hospital. Mike went to the cardiologist and they made him wear a hulter monitor for 24 hours. He was glad to get that off. He goes for the stress test in March. We hope it is just anxiety and not anything cardiac. But, whatever the result, we will roll with it.

My aunt got married to a wonderful guy. The ceremony was great and the reception was fun. It was good to get the family together again. It is far and few between when we can get together.

I have had the opportunity to take care of 2 little kids under the age of 2 and it was fun. I know that I am ready for another child. Brycen loved having them at the house for a day. He was so good with them and helpful for me.

I am truly thankful for all the true friends I have surrounding me and my family. I love having a supportive family that gives guidance and counsel when they see something going off track.

Brycen loves being in his own house. He said the other day, "I dont want to cut my hair; I want to be like Justin Beiber". I laughed and said, "Well, that is all well and good, but when under my roof; you will cut your hair." His quick wit rebuttle, "My papa once said that I can do what I want with my hair." He is too smart and too wise for his 6 young years. How much he brightens my day...even when he sometimes pushes my buttons at times.

I love the fact we are on our is still close by and Brycen still gets off the bus at the Grandparent's house. I cannot wait for Spring and the warmer weather. So much planned for this year and it is so exciting to know that, it is going to come true.

I hope you have a great day. My God bless you with all you need.