

Monday, July 11, 2011

Vacation 2011

Hello again...

So much has happened.  Brycen graduated 1st grade and is going into 2nd grade at Emily Howland Elementary.  I took my paramedic NYS exam.  Mike is still doing what mike does.

We left for our whirlwind vacation on Sunday June 26th at 10:00am from Rochester, NY; we got into Chicago, IL at 11ish and was back on a plane at 12:10pm and arrived at Salt Lake City, UT by 3:45pm MST.  We flew American Airlines out.  We then got our Ford Fusion rental car from Fox Rental and drove to my brother David's house.  That is where we stayed while in Utah.  Sunday and Monday we hung out with David and his family.  Monday we went to the Lindon, UT aquatic center (AKA pool) and had so much fun.  We also had a family night with a couple of my nephew's friends.  Sunday and Monday, Michelle cooked fabulous meals.  We also went and got our shower supplies on Monday.  We played Rummie and Cribbage.  Man, they are fun games.  Michelle's mother was also there visiting from Canada with her dog babe.  Sunday we went to bed early do to losing 3 hours in one day.  The next day Brycen got up at 5:30a and went down to the playroom to be with his cousins.  By monday night, Brycen was exhausted and so we went to bed early.  Tuesday David and his family went on a camping trip; and we spent the day with my brother Richard and his family up in Salt Lake (his in-laws).  We swam in the pool and hit up the hot tub.  My niece's carson, abby, portia and kelsey also came with kelsey's husband wayne and son ryker.  It was fun getting cooled down since it was so hot.  We also swam with kristi (rich's wife's sister) and reed (his father in-law).  We also had a lunch on the patio.  Later we played 2000 with rich, laurie (rich's wife); abby (their daughter), and kristi.  Brycen was playing the wii.  We continued to snack all afternoon.  About 6:30 that night Rich had to get home so left to go back to David's house.  Wednesday we took showers and then we got up and took a drive to Bridal Vail Falls as well as Squaw Peak.  We got breath taking views and pictures.  We then proceeded to Orem Park where we met Blanche and Sam (mike's mom and brother) and had lunch.  Then by 1ish we were on our 10 hour drive to Arizona. 

We arrived in Arizona at 12:30a on thursday.  We were staying with Evan, Alicia and Faith (mike's brother; sister in-law and niece).  It was nice to sleep in.  We had heard that Mike's grandma was in the hospital and not doing well after a major stroke.  We went after breakfast to see her and Grand-dad.  We got there and met up with mike's uncle dave in the parking lot his aunt lynn; as they were just leaving.  When we got up to her room on the 4th floor and mike's uncles john and richard were in the room with grand-dad, because they just got done giving her a priesthood blessing with mike's dad on the phone.  Grandma Betty was getting a feeding tube and her meds.  She was on a nasal canula and occassionaly opened her eyes.  She did smile when people talked into her ear.  She did see Brycen and Mike and I when she opened her eyes.  We spent a couple hours with her and Grand-dad when we were told she wasnt going to pull out of this.  As we left I whispered into her ear, "Grandma you need to get better so you can bake us cookies" and she smiled.  We then headed to the Mesquite Aquatic Center (pool) for some cooling off.  We spent 2 hours in the water.  Then we headed back to Alicia and Evan's house.  Friday we went to Pheonix and saw a friend from NY, Asia and her fiance.  Then we went back to the house.  Saturday, we took showers and then we went back to the hospital to see Grandma one last time, for that was the day they stopped her pacemaker and let nature take over.  She was moved from the 4th floor to the 2nd floor.  Grand-dad was a wreck.  We stayed with him for an hour.  Alicia won us free tickets to see Cars 2.  After the hospital we went to the movies.  Then we headed to Darcine and her family.  The funny part of that day was...we noticed we needed an oil change.  We called the rental place and they told us where to go.  After the oil change we learned that Grandma passed away at 3:30p (1 hour after they stopped the pacemaker).  We then went back to the house.  Sunday we got up early and ate, then we drove 14 hours to Nevada.

We stopped at the Hoover Dam on our way and took pictures.  We arrived at our destination in Nevada at 11:30p.  It was a long trip through the desert.  We woke up at 8:30a and took showers and then had breakfast with mike's uncle richard, aunt brenda and cousins Karl and Kellen.  The 4th of July was the only day we were in Nevada.  Mike wanted to show us where he grew up and all the houses he lived in as well as the church bldg he attended.  We also stopped at the Reno Temple and took pictures.  He said so much has changed since he last visited there.  When we got back to Richard's house Kellen was making up some amazing hambergers for grilling.  We had a small but yummy cook out.  Brycen played with his cousins and planned to take their dog "Sugar" for a walk after dinner.  All the boys went to the park to take the dog for a walk.  Brenda, Casey and I stayed at the house.  That night, MIke and I went into downtown Sparks and watched the holiday fireworks from the Nugget Casino.  They were spectacular. The next morning we got up early and started our 10 hour drive to California.

We drove to Oakland Temple and took pictures.  We were able to over look the San Francisco Bay but couldnt see the Golden Gate Bridge.  We then proceeded to Disney.  We arrived after a VERY VERY long drive at Disney Resort at 6:30ish that night.  We ate dinner and then hit the bed early. 

We got up and headed to the park at 8a went into Tomorrowland and went on: Star Tours; Autopia; Buzz Lightyear; Astro Orbitor and Finding Nemo Submarine.  We rode a railrode all around the park.  In California Adventure we rode The Hollywood Tower of Terror and then we into Bugs Life and rode: Tuck and Roll Drive 'em Buggies and Flicks Flyers.  We went to hotel and chilled by the pool.  When it cooler we went back into the main park in Critter Country and did: Splash Mountain; Haunted Mansion; Pirates of the Caribbean.  Then we went back to our room and showered and went to the pool area in our pjs and watched the fireworks. 

On Thursday, we got up and went to the main park in Fantasy Land and rode: King Arthurs Carrousel; Dumbo the Flying Elephant; Its a Small World; Mad Tea Party.  Then we went to Mickey's Toon Town and rode: Roger Rabbit Cartoon Spin.  We then ate with Evan, Alicia and Faith in Adventure Land.  Mike and Evan went on Indiana Jones Adventure while Alicia and I took the kids to Tarzans Tree House.  Evan and his family had to go to their hotel and we continued on and did in Adventure Land: Jungle Cruise and then went back to Frontier Land and did: Big Thunder Ranch and then went back to Mickeys Toon Town and got pictures with Goofy and Mickey as well as: Donald's Boat and the Chipmunk tree House.  We then headed back to Tomorrow Land and did: Jedi training and got our souveniors.  Then we headed back to Mike's dad's house for the evening.  That day was Grandma's funeral but we didnt go.

On Friday, we got up and rode with Mike's dad to Disney (because he knows some cool tricks on not paying for parking) and went to California Adventure Land and rode: Grizzly Run; Redwood Creek Challenge trail; California Soarin'; Tuck and Roll drive 'em buggie; Flicks Flyer and ended with Mickey's Fun Wheel.  We then said our goodbyes to Evan and his family.  We then went to Cosco and had hotdogs and sodas for lunch.  Then a wonderful pork steak dinner.

Saturday we got up and packed the car by 10ish.  We said goodbye to Mike's dad.  We drove toward the Car Rental place and filled up the car.  We returned the car and got a shuttle to the airport.  It was a cluster trying to check in but we got to our gate with an hour to spare.  We flew United home.  We left California at 1:50p and got into Chicago, IL at 7:20p and left there at 9:35p and got into Rochester, NY at 11:50p.  We didnt get home til 2a. 

It was a fun but tiresome vacation.  Glad we went, glad to be home.  While I was in Utah, I got a call from my Paramedic instructor that I passed my NYS exam and that I am now a Paramedic for the grand state of New York. 

I hope everyone had a great two weeks.  Pictures to follow as we need to take them off the memory card.  Love you all.

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