

Sunday, February 19, 2012

August 2011 - February 2012

I am not good at blogging...

August - December 2011:

We got back from out vacation and we got a 3rd cat (Squishie) from my Supervisor.  He is a great addition to our cats.  Prince and Squishie wrestle constantly; Prince and Squishie go after Zora all the time; poor Zora doesnt attack anyone but man can she defend herself.  In fact she took a bite out of Prince's ear because he wouldnt leave her alone.

Brycen started 2nd grade at Emily Howland Elementary.  He loved that school.  He is doing great with his hand writing.  He loved Mrs. Krause and his speech therapy teacher and meeting with the guidance counselor once a week.

Mike working MacKenzie Childs and Dominos Pizza.  He is also in the young men's presidency at church.  Nothing else really changed.  He worked alot during my maternity leave.

Leah (me) worked ALOT!  Finally got cleared to work on my own as a paramedic for the city ambulance.  I worked right up to 38 weeks pregnant.  Went out on disability (maternity leave) 12/31/11.

August we were pleased to announce my niece had her baby boy early, but he is now very healthy and they are a beautiful family.

Thanksgiving we hosted at our house.  It was a great success.  My aunt Cheri and her hubby and son came over as well as my parents and my mom's foster mom.  We had fun and good food.  Christmas we went to my aunt Cheri's house.  We always have fun when we get together.

Also, we received the news that we had to vacate our home (we were renting) the day after Christmas.  So, we started looking for a place to rent.  We knew it would be hard because we have our 3 cats that we were not willing to part with.  After all, they are family.  We havent had any peace of mind.

On the 6th we were blessed with the birth of our 2nd son via c-section.  His name is Payson Stephen Burton Kishpaugh.  He weighed in at 8 lbs and 6 ounces and was 20 inches long.  He doesnt like diaper changes or baths.  He doesnt like to be messed with.  If he has food he is happy.  He is a great baby.  Brycen loves him very much.  He wants to hold him ALL the time.  He wont change a diaper but he will bathe him.  We also signed a lease for our new home.  When the little one was 2 weeks old, we were back in the hospital because he had RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and were admitted for 3 days.  RSV is a cold to bigger people but to babies it is very deadly.  He was released with a clean bill of health and was counseled to stay home for a week.  Thankfully, my mom stayed in the hospital with us. 

WE MOVED!  If you want our new address; please let me know.  It was a 12 hour process and the two kids went to a sitter's house.  The cats were traumatized, but adjusting.  Brycen started a new school (Casey Park Elementary) and loves it.  I went back to work after 7 weeks off.  Mike backed off to a normal schedule at work.  AND...the most exciting news...

The LDS church building being built for the Auburn Ward is complete.  We hold our first service on the first Sunday in March.  This is an achievement that we have been waiting for, for a long time.

I will do better staying in touch.

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