

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Journey Continues

So we moved into the city from the adjustment.  Brycen loves his school and the fact that it is a 5 minute car ride / 10 minute walk.  We try to walk as much as possible when its nice. 

I have started walking a couple times a week with a friend.  We walk fast and it gets my blood pumping and sweating.  I also got back on Slim Fast shakes and bars to help with the weight loss.  It has helped me lose some inches.  I am waiting to see the pounds come off.  I am working a lot to help get everything caught up again since I went out on disability (doesn't pay much).  It is a blast working with the people I do because it makes my time away from my family fun.  

Payson is growing leaps and bounds.  We started him on rice cereal because he has been downing 6 big cans of formula a week...not cheap.  He is laughing and talking more and more and it is a pure joy to watch him grow and become the person he is meant to be.  He went to the Zoo for the first time but wasnt too impressed.  He is teething too (way fun). 

Brycen is learning his limits at home and keeps testing his parents and learns the consequences for his poor choices.  So far he has been grounded 4 times (a week each time).  He loves going next door and they like having him over (thank goodness).  He is a great big brother and a great protector of Payson.  He always wants to hold him and love on him.  It is such a blessing to have them have a great relationship.  He has homework every night, except, fridays or before a vacation.  We work on his homework before the television goes on, that can get difficult.  Mike helps with the measurement math homework, because I am no good with that, but give me math problems and spelling...we are all good.  I make him work out the math problems without a calculator and man that can become an argument and sometimes frustrating.  But, we work through it.

Mike, works a little over 40 hrs a week so I can get the over time because I have the higher pay.  He does a lot of the housework.  He starts back to work in May and will be done with his associates May 2013.  We are so ready for him to be done. 

We have gotten into our new ward church building and it is so nice to actually have a chapel and cultural hall separate from each other.  It is great to have this building that is ours to attend.  Everything is on one level and we are the only ward in the stake to have a handicap baptismal font.  In May, we are dedicating it; can't wait. 

Also, in  May, we are going to WWE Raw in Syracuse.  Brycen and Mike love watching WWE on Friday nights, so this is a nice event to take my two boys too.  Payson is too young to attend, so a babysitter must be hired.  Brycen has not been to an event that requires a ticket so this is big for him.  A late Easter gift but well worth it. 

Farewell for now.  Talk with y'all soon.