

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Thoughts and Things

So...we have had some interesting times at our place.  We have had a LOT of car work done; a cat at the vets for surgery; unexpected extra money for inspection.

So, when we moved our one car had a smell to it.  Go figure, the first real snow of the season, Mike puts this car in the ditch.  So, back to the story, we take the car to the dealership and had LOTS of work needed to be done.  So, that was a great way to start our new adventure in a new town.  Not to mention, that place messed it up and we had to take it to a local mechanic and get it fixed for more money.  HOLY COW. 

Then, we also had to take our cats to the vet for annual shots and the littlest one to get neutered.  That was all good and well.

Then, the car I drive needed to be inspected and I was thinking that because we sunk all this money into the one car that this will be all set.  Oh no, I needed to put brand new tires on the back end of the car in order for it to be cleared for the inspection.  What The Heck.

To top it all off...our littlest cat (10 months old) decided that Payson's pacifiers were yummy to eat.  He got one lodged in his small intestines and was unable to pass it by throwing up or pooping.  So, off to a local vet we went.  Big money later...he is resting comfortably and can come home after a one night stay. 

This had better be the end of BIG SPENDING.  I cannot stand it anymore.  Other than all that drama...

I am walking as much as I can with a friend.  As well as trying to eat well.  Mike is still busy.  Brycen loves school and is looking forward to the take your kids to work day (another blog to come)  Mike and I have an awesome post Easter surprise for Brycen...he loves WWE; they are coming to town in May...we have tickets for the 3 of us (friend is watching Payson) to go see them (another blog to come)...I hope he will enjoy it.  No he has no clue we did this because we would not hear the end of it til the event.  Payson is growing leaps and bounds.  He is eating cereal morning and night and adding a veggie at night.  He is cooing and laughing.  It is so fun being a mom and helping them grow into the men they will be.

Sorry for the rant but I just cannot wrap my head around all this stuff anymore.  LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely having some adventures there! Can't wait to hear more. I'm hoping by next week we're good to go! I really do hope money stuff stops popping up. It can definitely get pretty depressing.
