

Saturday, December 7, 2013

What We've Been Up To!
 Well...I see I am NOT a very good blogger.  I guess I need to make that a new resolution for 2014.  

Since May of 2012; we have been doing alot:

Brycen is in 4th grade now.  He is doing great in school  His teachers love him.  He is almost as tall as me.  He loves soccer.  He loves school; which we never thought we would ever hear him say.  In 3rd grade he had Ms Querns whom he thought was going to be awful but ended up being wonderful.  Brycen had counseling between the summer of 2nd and 3rd grade and we all realized that he was just having pure anxiety from the move and the baby and the new school.  It all hit him at once.  Then at the end of 3rd grade they had NYS tests and he then experienced anxiety.  So, he needs to have one on one for the NYS tests to help with his anxiety issues.  We never suspected that.  He loves to spend as much time as he can with Grandma and Papa.  He loves is little brother, even when he gets into his stuff.  He is a good helper.  He still has a big heart and loves everyone.  He still has a hole in his heart but we have been seeing the cardiologist regularly to keep on top of it.  Next spring he goes back.  

Payson is almost 2.  Where did that time go.  He has curly hair and ocean blue eyes.  He, we think, is going to be our terror.  He is very particular when it comes to food and things he wants.  He would prefer to be in a dirty diaper than have it changed.  He doesn't like baths.  He likes to grocery shop as long as his boot and coat come off while in the cart.  He loves oreos (the blonde ones).  He knows that at check out, they are there and he is allowed to get them for the ride home.  He loves his picture taken.  His stranger danger isn't as much of a thing now.  He still plays shy with those he isn't familiar with but doesn't scream.  When he doesn't get his out.  HE SCREAMS bloody mary.  I pity the person who tried to kidnap him, because they wont be able to hear.  He doesn't talk much but jibbers all the time.  He loves his "bass bass" (pacifier).  He is very smart, because when you ask him to go get something or throw something away, he doesn't.  He loves nursery and seeing his friends.

Mike is 38 and still working at MacKenzie Child, Ltd.  He is a counselor in the Priesthood.  He would like to re-up his massage but the timing isn't right, at the moment.  He works days so he is home with the kids at night.  Mike has served in the youth program.  His step-mom passed away last May but he was unable to attend her funeral but we sent flowers.  His grandma died while we were on vacation in Arizona in 2011.  He enjoys family time.  He realizes that he needs to work on not raising his voice so much and yelling through the house, when going to that person is much easier and respectful.  He sometimes get frustrated with Payson because he doesn't speak very well and trying to figure what is needed.  He also gets flustered with Brycen because personality wise, they are identical.  We have recently completed a marriage class at church and realized where we have come and what we need to work on.  He realized that he needs to not jump to conclusions and to listen more.  He wants to go on more dates and more one and one.  It has been hard because of the children and with Payson preferring to be home more than being watched away from home.  We did find a good sitter that will come to the home.

Leah is 31 and still at TLC ambulance.  I was recently released from sunday school and relief society.  I am church calling-less.  I am currently re-certifying my paramedic card.  It has been hard on the family because I have to go to day classes which means someone needs to be at the house for kids.  I enjoy working nights; therefore I can be home for the kids and no daycare.  I would like to hope it means that same to them.  Yes, it is hard on my marriage because, we don't get to see each other as much as we would like.  I also get flustered with the kids when I cannot figure out why Payson is screaming at the top of his lungs or why Brycen feels the need not to listen.  My fuse gets shorter when I have worked overnight and had a busy night.  I do miss being down South.  I thoroughly enjoy having my parents close by to help with the kids or to get together.  I do miss my family out west and wish financially I could visit them more or they could come back here more.  I would love to go back to school, but I have no idea which path I want to go.  
Unfortunately, this past Easter, we had to put to rest one of cats.  He (Squishie) was always finding Payson's pacifiers and chewing the nipples off and swallowing them.  March of 2012 he was lucky because the vet could do the surgery, but this time the ER vet was asking $2500 for the surgery and boarding.  We of course didn't have that kind of money.  They said we could bring him home and see if it passes but every time he tried to eat or drink he would throw up.  We knew he was suffering.  We said our good-byes to our sweet, energetic friend.  He was laid to rest in our backyard.  Every time we look out the kitchen window, we can see where he is.   

Now, we have another cat, Little Miss Princess (who lives up to her name).  She is a crazy girl.  We love her dearly.  Our other two cats aren't so sure about her because she won't leave them alone.  LOL!

This is our families favorite time of year.  We wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and happy 2014.  May the new year find you happy, healthy and bright. 

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