

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Christmas and a Birthday

Christmas 2013:

Christmas was sparse this year but the most important thing, we had each other.  My parents were in Utah because my niece got married 12/27/13 in the Draper Temple.  We had a 2nd Christmas with them when they got back.

Unfortunately, I had to work both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day nights.  Mike took the kids to my parent's house to see Santa get off the Fire Truck.  Payson was not happy at all with Santa because of the beards.  The funny part of that is, I also was terrified of beards when I was young. 

Christmas Day, Brycen was sad because they had to wait til 8am to open the pile of gifts.
Brycen got: DS system (which was a fiasco); DS game; clothes; book and candy
Payson got: toys; clothes and candy
Mike got: utensil holder for our cooking; clothes and candy
Leah got: tea kettle; CD; candle; watch and candy

Overall, it was a fun day.  Brycen did turn into the Grinch because his DS wasnt charging or turning on and OF COURSE the game store wasnt open so he had to wait til the next day.  The "Grinch" spent some time in his room because of his attitude.  We made phone calls to family and relaxed.

New Years Eve and Day I had to work both nights again.  But the kids both fell asleep before midnight and Mike called me at midnight so he could go to bed.  I then called my parents they were, surprisingly, still awake. 

Payson turned 2 on the 6th of January. We had a family party, on the 5th.   We got to celebrate with Cheri and Peter and my parents.  It was very relaxed with lots of food and good company.  He is having a friends party at the bounce house in the Finger Lakes Mall on the 11th.  To see the changes he has made in a SHORT 2 years is amazing.  Mike wants me to buy pulls ups and start potty training but I am not sure because he is the BABY.  Maybe in February ;-)
Have a great day.