

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 2016

Hello Again!

So, some fun changes

Brycen has had a difficult last year at Casey Park Elementary School.  Back in September, Brycen and his BFF Topher (Chris) were threatened to kill themselves by another 6th grader.  I called the PD and so did Topher's mom.  Auburn PD came to our homes and the home of the other child to take complaints.  The day after the threat, Brycen went into school early for trumpet lessons and the boy asked Topher if Brycen took his advice and Topher said "no".  He then said "too bad".  Myself and Topher's parents called a meeting with the principle and superintendent and other family.  Nothing, of course, came from it.  We were informed by the bad boy's parent that when we moved to Auburn, 4 yrs ago, Brycen stole Topher from him and has been mad since.  So, I told the boys to be friendly but not friends with this child.  At the end of the year, this boy made accusations that our boys threatened him.  Now, if you know either boy, you know that "kill yourself" "im going to kill you" never exit their mouths.  Needless to say, its been a very stressful, unhappy 6th grade year.  BUT, Brycen will be in AP Allegra (Algebra) next year.  Brycen is almost out of Primary.  He turns 12 in September and enters the Youth program in the church.  He also goes into Jr High in the fall.  LOL!  I love this kid so so much. 

Payson has enjoyed going to Cayuga - Onondaga BOCES for 3 days 1/2 days a week.  He is thriving in ways I couldn't help him.  He is enrolled in 5 days full days of UPK at Cayuga - Onondaga BOCES in the fall.  He loves his friends Eli and Addicus and Mason and all his little friends.  He has been to a birthday party for one of them this past year.  He is in Sunbeams at church with his friends Cole and Bailey and Amanda and Allison.  He is thriving so so much.  He is such a different person than Brycen.  He is very cautious about water.  This year he can get to the bottom step of the pool steps with his head above the water.  His comments are "i will sink to the bottom" every time we ask him to swim. 

Mike is now the 2nd counselor of the Auburn Ward Bishopric and he got a new job.  He was ordained by his father, Dan, to the Melchizedek Priesthood.  He finished his degree December 1, 2015 in medical office management.  After 5 months of pounding the pavement; resume dropping; interviewing...  He now works for Practice Resource Ltd.  He just finished 6 weeks training and his billing for Brighton Medical Center.  He loves it.  He is a good man to our children and pets.  He provides for his family.  Needless to say, he is very excited he is NOT having to work MacKenzie-Childs Ltd BARN SALE this year.  This year his thrilled he can go with us to Pageant without being rushed.  Things come to those who are patient. 

Leah is still working hard at TLC Medical Services as well as at Four Town Ambulance as a paramedic.  Leah is the primary music leader at church.  She is a firefighter / paramedic with Throop Fire Department.  She is very active.  She tries to keep the peace at home.  She works nights so the kids have someone at home during the day. 

Fur Babies:
Fifi - is a 9 year old Cocker Spaniel mix; she is very sweet; she is a rescue dog.  She has been with us since April 2015.  She hates water and baths.  She never barks or scratch.  She is very loveable and is Leah's dog 100%.  However, when the family is out of the house, she does go and sleep on Brycen's bed.
Zora and Prince - 5 year old siblings cats.  They have been with us since May 2011.  Prince still chases Zora around.  Zora is really chilling out and enjoying herself.  She really doesn't like a lot of company.  Prince loves his belly vigorous rubbed and he knows when Leah gets ready to go to work.
Princess - is a 3 year old cat.  She is a spit fire.  She loves to snuggle with Prince.  She loves to lay on her back with her front paws crossed.  She loves her belly rubbed. 
Midnight - 7 month old cat.  He is a rescue cat.  He acts like a dog and will eat dog food.  He has 7 toes on all 4 paws.  We call him Midnight Mittens and Mini and Seven Toes.  He, surprisingly, answers to all.  He snuggles and purs loudly. 

We are all well.  We are still at our current address.  We are happy.  We miss the country living terribly.  We also, went to see an airshow this year.  

Hope this finds you all well and healthy.

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