

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Summer 2018

The summer of 2018 started with Payson leaving Kindergaten and Brycen leaving Middle School.

Someone, lost 2 teeth over the summer and 2 more loose.  We built a pool deck (Mike, Brycen and Dad).

Over the course of the summer we went to The Hill Cumorah Pageant, several times.  That is one place we all find peace and comfort.

Ms Brieanna Bradley came to the east for a short stint but we loved seeing her and doing things with her.  We certainly miss our family in the west and wish there was a teleport so we can visit more often.

We were starting the home searching process but found it very overwhelming and stressful.  Plus, the realtors never explained anything to us (first time buyers).  This one home we tried to buy but then the broker wanted 3K and the bank wanted 9K on top by 9/14/18...LMBO...we backed out and decided
to focus on saving more money and then start again.

Also, Ms Kat came from NYC and we took her and her sister and brother to the Zoo.

Lastly, we took our annual end of Summer Trip.  This year...we decided to go to Kirtland, OH and visit the church sites there.  I havent been there since I was about Brycen's age (13-14) and Mike hasn't been there since he was a teen as well.  It is very sad / funny that we live 5 hrs from such a relevant place and it took this long to go visit.  Shame on us.  The Temple is majestic and the grounds are quiet.  The Temple is owned, now, by the Community of Christ / RLDS church.  The tour guide was very knowledgeable and kind.  We then decided to visit the LDS visitor center, around the corner.  We got to see the N.K Whitney store and home; saw mill; ashery; Johnson home.  If you ever get the chance...I strongly recommend a visit.

We closed my parents' pool.

Now that summer vacation has come to a close...

Brycen is a FRESHMEN in the high school & Payson (Agent P) is a big time 1st grader!  They are both excited and nervous about a new year and a new school.  Mike gave them both a blessing of comfort 9/4/18 after scripture study and before bed.
Hope everyone has a magical fall and great school year!  Be back soon!