

Saturday, September 11, 2021


So, to update everyone, we bought a house.  We sign the papers 9/24/21 with lawyer and then 9/25/21 we get a rental truck and move into the house.  The picture above is the new, permanent house.  This house has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.  It has a master suite, full attic and full basement.  The previous owner is allowing us to keep the furniture in the first living room and we are buying the washer and dryer from her.  It also has 200 more feet of living space than our currant situation.  We are very excited since we have not had a house of our own during our marriage.  19 years of renting and nothing to show for it.  What is astonishing to us is...we have to go through 9 1/2 years of stuff in our current house and weed out, pack, throw out.
Also, Brycen is a senior this year and Payson is in 4th grade (new school too).  The lawyers gave a letter to district so Payson could start in Owasco Elementary instead of going to Casey Park Elementary for 1 month then transferring to Owasco.  What a crazy year 2021 has become.  
Brycen also started a job a Movie Plex and left Dickman Farms.
Mike started a new job a East Hill Medical as a Dental Prior Authorization more commuting to Fulton every day.  WOOHOO!  He also took on 2nd job as a gas attendant for Quikfil; to take the load off Leah.
Leah has been steadily working 60 hrs a week at TLC Emergency Services through the COVID pandemic.  Leah, Mike and Brycen have all been vaccinated against COVID-19.  They are patiently waiting for Payson's age group to be allowed to get vaccinated.  He desperately wants it.  
Other news, Leah is the secretary in the Relief Society and Mike is the 2nd counselor in the Elders Quorum and Brycen is 1st assistant to the Bishop.  Payson is too young to have a calling in the church at this time.  
As we ponder 9/11 20 yrs later, the boys werent around but they have been told stories and watch documentaries.  Mike and Leah still remember where they were and what they were doing.  Today, it is 65 degrees and blue skies; 20 yrs ago it was 68 degrees and blue skies.  This is the first time in 20 yrs it has been blue skies on 9/11.  The world has changed alot for the bad and good.  
I hope this blog entry find you happy and healthy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


 Hello Friends,

So much has gone one in 1 yr.  Such as...Brycen and Payson were completely remote learning til 9/2020 then they were hybrid learning (going to in person 2 days a weeks and distance learning 3 days a week).  BUT, cases pending...the boys will return to FULL in person learning 4/19/2021.  Brycen will go Mon - Thurs & Payson will go Mon - Fri.  

In August 2020 we went to Gettysburg, PA.  It was very informative and inspiring vacation.  We went on a Ghost Tour and Battlefield Tour.  We saw the Trumpet at Sunset in the cemetery.  I strongly recommend this location as a great vacation.  We really wanted to go to DC but with all the restrictions and closures...this a 2nd choice.

We also got a DOG 9/14/2020 a PIT-BOXER mix.  Her name is Renly.  She loves the cats but the cats aren't so sure about her.  So, the cats live upstairs and the dog lives downstairs with a gate on the bottom step.  She just turned 1 yrs old 4/6/2021.  She belonged to my work partner and then she got a boyfriend who brought another dog into the mix and the 2 dogs didn't get along.  After a family discussion we decided it was in her best interest to take her in.

October 2020 Brycen had his appendix removed suddenly.  This was our family's first surgery during the pandemic.  He woke up not feeling well but ate a good breakfast.  I gave him nauseem and it seemed to work.  Then around 12:30p he threw up EVERYTHING but felt better.  So, we thought it was what he needed to do.  Then suddenly at 1p his hands and feet were freezing (not normal) and his stomach hurt worse.  At 3p I asked where he wanted to go...urgent care, ER, wellnow.  He decided urgent care but on the way he changed his mind to ER.  I called Mike and we met at the ER.  Thank God for the PA at the ER, he had good insight and immediately (before any tests results) headed down the appendix road and he was right.  He was in the OR at 9:30p and in the ICU at 11p.  He was released the next day a 10a after a wonderful breakfast.  

Also there was General Conference in October.  Mike turned 45 as well.

November and December passed without much fuss or changes.  Dad turned 79!

New Years Eve I got my 1 covid vaccine and in January I got my 2nd covid vaccine

January, Payson turned 9 and we celebrated with just the family.  

However, February had a turn for the worse.  My Mom, Alice, was sent to the hospital because she couldn't stand without almost passing out.  February 17th she went to ACH ER then that night to Upstate Medical Center 9G.  After a family discussion we felt she should have the surgery and consulted with her.  The following Wednesday she had brain surgery for a 4cm aneurysm in the front of her head.  She felt better and was actually eating.  Then the following Monday she suffered a minor stroke 1/8 of a inch tare in the stent and they observed her overnight.  Then she went to rehab in the hospital but they were going far too fast for her.  We decided to move her to the Finger Lakes Center for Living for Rehab.  After 1 1/2 weeks in rehab she is home.  She is doing exceptionally well.  She has in home PT and OT but is doing great.  While mom was at Upstate she got the Johnson and Johnson covid vaccine.

I turned 39 in February two days after my mom went into the hospital.  Dad got his 1st covid vaccine.

March has been relatively calm.  Dad got his 2nd covid vaccine

April brought General Conference and Easter.  Mike got his 1st covid vaccine and brycen will get his first vaccine.

I surely, hope everyone is well and dealing with the pandemic with ease.  


The Kishpaugh Clan

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Quarantine 2020!

Good day bloggers!

So a lot has taken place....

We went to parks; Payson has his first dance recital.  

We took a trip to Hershey Park August 2019 just me and the boys.  Mike lost his job and got a new one so it wasn't logical for him to take a week off right on the spot.


Brycen survived Middle School and is now a Sophomore at Auburn High School (Class of 2022)!  Brycen got his first "big man" job at Dickman Farms Gardening Center.  He is so excited.  He started 5/2/20.  Payson is a budding 2nd grader.  Mike lost his job at Practice Resource and rejoined MacKenzie Childs (for the 3rd time).  I am still at TLC on y 13th year.

Recently, March 14 New York State closed down because of COVID-19 and the kids have been distance learning and homeschooling since 3/16/20.  A HUGE change to our lifestyle but Brycen is a trooper and he is on top of his classes.  Payson and I have been working out a system in a spiral notebook as well as mailing folders for his completed work.  The kids will NOT be going back to the classroom until September 2020, direct from Governor Cuomo.  Classes are being taught on zoom.  Dance has been postponed but a google drive was sent so Payson can still practice.  The show will go on but no clue when.  They are hoping for a fall recital.  

As for my work, I have to wear N95 or surgical masks; goggles; Tyvek suit for ANY and ALL possible COVID cases.  I have to wear a mask on all calls.  Our call volume is very down for now because people are scared to go to the hospitals or out generally.

Churches are closed as well as temples.  Church meetings are on zoom now.  All stores we have to wear some type of face coverings, as well as, out and about.  We are suppose to be social distancing but we do go to my parent's house and have dinner and take care of their lawn and house.  I mean they are almost 80 and it isn't fair for them to do it all.  Speaking of family, my nephew Nate Bradley, who drives for Brink, we in the area 5/2/20 and had a long layover and he got to spend the day with my parents.  What a fun surprise we pulled off.

I wish life wasn't so confusing for the kids.  I wish life was "normal".  Cayuga County has stated on birth years even can go out for non essential things on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; were odd years can go out the other days.  Parks are closed to playing.  Life as we knew it is over  A new normal has taken over.  Kids are stir crazy but we have combated it with puzzles and movies and chores.

On a brighter note, family time has taken on new meaning.  We are striving to make the best of the situation.  I hope this blog finds everyone happy; healthy and safe.  As the celebrities have been saying...we will get through this together.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Summer 2018

The summer of 2018 started with Payson leaving Kindergaten and Brycen leaving Middle School.

Someone, lost 2 teeth over the summer and 2 more loose.  We built a pool deck (Mike, Brycen and Dad).

Over the course of the summer we went to The Hill Cumorah Pageant, several times.  That is one place we all find peace and comfort.

Ms Brieanna Bradley came to the east for a short stint but we loved seeing her and doing things with her.  We certainly miss our family in the west and wish there was a teleport so we can visit more often.

We were starting the home searching process but found it very overwhelming and stressful.  Plus, the realtors never explained anything to us (first time buyers).  This one home we tried to buy but then the broker wanted 3K and the bank wanted 9K on top by 9/14/18...LMBO...we backed out and decided
to focus on saving more money and then start again.

Also, Ms Kat came from NYC and we took her and her sister and brother to the Zoo.

Lastly, we took our annual end of Summer Trip.  This year...we decided to go to Kirtland, OH and visit the church sites there.  I havent been there since I was about Brycen's age (13-14) and Mike hasn't been there since he was a teen as well.  It is very sad / funny that we live 5 hrs from such a relevant place and it took this long to go visit.  Shame on us.  The Temple is majestic and the grounds are quiet.  The Temple is owned, now, by the Community of Christ / RLDS church.  The tour guide was very knowledgeable and kind.  We then decided to visit the LDS visitor center, around the corner.  We got to see the N.K Whitney store and home; saw mill; ashery; Johnson home.  If you ever get the chance...I strongly recommend a visit.

We closed my parents' pool.

Now that summer vacation has come to a close...

Brycen is a FRESHMEN in the high school & Payson (Agent P) is a big time 1st grader!  They are both excited and nervous about a new year and a new school.  Mike gave them both a blessing of comfort 9/4/18 after scripture study and before bed.
Hope everyone has a magical fall and great school year!  Be back soon!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

My Family

So, I know I am slow at keeping this up.  Its a new concept to me...still.  

I have a 76 year old man in my life.  I call him DAD.  He has shown me how to love and how to provide for a family.  He has shown me and continues to show me how to be a great parent.  He always told me that the door is always open, no matter what he has going on.  

I have a 74 year old lady in my life.  I call her MOM.  She has shown me how to be a kind and loving mom.  She has shown me how to be a worthy woman.  She has shown me how to stand up for myself without degrading myself.  She has always been my sounding board and listening ear.

My parents wont be around forever.  I know this, but having them in my life for 36 years...  I cannot picture being anywhere else but close to them.  My boys love them so much and the joy my parents express when we are all warms my heart.  

I have a 42 year old man in my life.  He is my husband.  I have been with him since September 2000 and married since July 2002.  He moved to New York in May 2001.  We have not had a the best of times all the time but we have made the best of what is dealt to us.  He was a massage therapist and we have been to Massachusetts but that didnt pan out.  Then we went to North Carolina and that was where we lived for about 2 years.  We had our oldest child there and came back to New York in March 2005.  He has held numerous callings for our church.  It took him 5 years to obtain an associates degree in Medical Billing and works current for a Family Care Medical Group.  He is currently the Young Men's 2nd Counselor in our church.

I have a 13 year old teenage boy in my life.  I call him Brycen.  He has tried basketball; soccer; t-ball.  But his most favorite is theater.  He was in the community theater musical Scrooge and is currently rehearing for the musical Sketch with the community theater.  He is in the National Junior Honor Society.  He is in 8th grade and his high school curriculum is very busy with Bio Health and will graduate with 1 year of college under his belt.  He is looking forward to serving a mission for our church when he turns 18.  Right now his is the Deacon Quorum President in our church.  He brings me joy and stress and happiness and pride.  He takes care of his brother when asked and when he notices it needs to be done.  He is very close with my parents.  

I have a 6 year old boy in my life.  I call him Payson.  He is in Kindergarten.  He loves school.  He loves his friends and enjoys going every day.  He is energetic, charismatic, hyper, loving, stressful.  He will look at you and do what he KNOWS he is not suppose and laugh.  He is reading the scriptures every night, at least 4 verses each time.  He is so proud of himself and does a great job.  He loves watching Weather Gone Viral and Weather Caught on Camera.  He cannot wait to turn 12 to pass sacrament.  He loves his big brother and wants to be with him all the time.  

We have 5 cats...Zora, Princess; Midnight; Cinnamon & Snowball.  We lost 1 cat (Prince) and 1 dog (Fifi) in 2017.  Fifi passed from uncontrolled Seizures and Prince died from a heart condition.  It was a hard blow to the family.  But, we know we will see them again.  

Our life isnt perfect...I am 36 years old.  I am a paramedic with the local ambulance TLC.  I am a Sunday School teacher in my church.  I work overnights so my children dont have to go to daycare.  I work 60+ hours a week to off set what my husband makes.  I am not a fan of winter.  I dont like cold.  My perfect temperature is 70 - 80 with sun and some rain.  I hide alot of my fears and depression and anxieties.  I am typically a strong person.  I have a small group of friends that can see through my masks.  

I love making friends. I defend my family and friends.  

Till next time.

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 2016

Hello Again!

So, some fun changes

Brycen has had a difficult last year at Casey Park Elementary School.  Back in September, Brycen and his BFF Topher (Chris) were threatened to kill themselves by another 6th grader.  I called the PD and so did Topher's mom.  Auburn PD came to our homes and the home of the other child to take complaints.  The day after the threat, Brycen went into school early for trumpet lessons and the boy asked Topher if Brycen took his advice and Topher said "no".  He then said "too bad".  Myself and Topher's parents called a meeting with the principle and superintendent and other family.  Nothing, of course, came from it.  We were informed by the bad boy's parent that when we moved to Auburn, 4 yrs ago, Brycen stole Topher from him and has been mad since.  So, I told the boys to be friendly but not friends with this child.  At the end of the year, this boy made accusations that our boys threatened him.  Now, if you know either boy, you know that "kill yourself" "im going to kill you" never exit their mouths.  Needless to say, its been a very stressful, unhappy 6th grade year.  BUT, Brycen will be in AP Allegra (Algebra) next year.  Brycen is almost out of Primary.  He turns 12 in September and enters the Youth program in the church.  He also goes into Jr High in the fall.  LOL!  I love this kid so so much. 

Payson has enjoyed going to Cayuga - Onondaga BOCES for 3 days 1/2 days a week.  He is thriving in ways I couldn't help him.  He is enrolled in 5 days full days of UPK at Cayuga - Onondaga BOCES in the fall.  He loves his friends Eli and Addicus and Mason and all his little friends.  He has been to a birthday party for one of them this past year.  He is in Sunbeams at church with his friends Cole and Bailey and Amanda and Allison.  He is thriving so so much.  He is such a different person than Brycen.  He is very cautious about water.  This year he can get to the bottom step of the pool steps with his head above the water.  His comments are "i will sink to the bottom" every time we ask him to swim. 

Mike is now the 2nd counselor of the Auburn Ward Bishopric and he got a new job.  He was ordained by his father, Dan, to the Melchizedek Priesthood.  He finished his degree December 1, 2015 in medical office management.  After 5 months of pounding the pavement; resume dropping; interviewing...  He now works for Practice Resource Ltd.  He just finished 6 weeks training and his billing for Brighton Medical Center.  He loves it.  He is a good man to our children and pets.  He provides for his family.  Needless to say, he is very excited he is NOT having to work MacKenzie-Childs Ltd BARN SALE this year.  This year his thrilled he can go with us to Pageant without being rushed.  Things come to those who are patient. 

Leah is still working hard at TLC Medical Services as well as at Four Town Ambulance as a paramedic.  Leah is the primary music leader at church.  She is a firefighter / paramedic with Throop Fire Department.  She is very active.  She tries to keep the peace at home.  She works nights so the kids have someone at home during the day. 

Fur Babies:
Fifi - is a 9 year old Cocker Spaniel mix; she is very sweet; she is a rescue dog.  She has been with us since April 2015.  She hates water and baths.  She never barks or scratch.  She is very loveable and is Leah's dog 100%.  However, when the family is out of the house, she does go and sleep on Brycen's bed.
Zora and Prince - 5 year old siblings cats.  They have been with us since May 2011.  Prince still chases Zora around.  Zora is really chilling out and enjoying herself.  She really doesn't like a lot of company.  Prince loves his belly vigorous rubbed and he knows when Leah gets ready to go to work.
Princess - is a 3 year old cat.  She is a spit fire.  She loves to snuggle with Prince.  She loves to lay on her back with her front paws crossed.  She loves her belly rubbed. 
Midnight - 7 month old cat.  He is a rescue cat.  He acts like a dog and will eat dog food.  He has 7 toes on all 4 paws.  We call him Midnight Mittens and Mini and Seven Toes.  He, surprisingly, answers to all.  He snuggles and purs loudly. 

We are all well.  We are still at our current address.  We are happy.  We miss the country living terribly.  We also, went to see an airshow this year.  

Hope this finds you all well and healthy.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

This June 14th...

Mike and Brycen and I raised money with the Throop FD for the Auburn FD St Baldricks.  We also shaved our heads.  It has been an adventure.  I have never been bald. Mike and Brycen did it last year too.  What a great cause.  Raising money for childhood cancer research.  So many children are suffering from Cancer they dont deserve.  I have completely realized...BALD IS BEAUTIFUL!