

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Post Christmas 2010

Well...we survived Christmas. I worked 34 hours straight then came home. We found out that we are able to rent a house starting January 2011. YAY! We have the keys to get in it and change things and paint.

Brycen got for Christmas --> clothes, music dog, candy, car that makes noise, gift card to best buy, movies, PS2 games, etc...

Mike got for Christmas --> candy, clothes, money, etc...

Leah got for Christmas --> make-up, light house, glass unicorn, etc...

The family got for Christmas --> navigation system, camcorder, portable dvd player, house for rent.

Over all a great Christmas. The season has been a blessing in all directions. I hope everyone has a great 2011. Our plans are not set but it will be a great year to boot.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

September - December 2010

Brycen went to the cardiologist this past summer and was told he still had a hole in the atrial wall. When he is 8 they will do an echo-cardiogram and when he is 10 they will do a stress test. We were told to come in if anything started to become a problem ie turning blue, stop breathing, cant catch his breath... He loves first grade. His personality is more like a 10 yr old but we constantly remind him that he is 6 and we are the parents...he just laughs.

We are doing great. Mike got laid off of McQuay and we decided it was time to look for a job that is constant not 4 months on and 8 months off. He got a job a MacKenzie - Childs, Ltd. It is closer to home and they are willing to work with my schedule. I am still at TLC, Inc (3 yrs and going). Starting my refresher for paramedic in January in Geneva; every tuesday 6p - 10p until May. Mike is still in college (online) through Cayuga Community College for Business Administration and then going on to ITT Tech online to continue toward his BA and eventually Masters.

We just got our Christmas pictures back. I finished the Christmas shopping and the cards are ordered...and I feel accomplished. We are looking into a house to buy (finally on our own). Also, we are planning a fabulous family vacation for the summer if 2011.

We spent Thanksgiving with Cheri and Izzadorable (dog). It was a great 4 days of family, food and fun. We love getting together. Family is very important to us. We miss those who live far away and treasure those who are close by.

Many things to be thankful for this time of year...many loses...many gains...many emotional times...many laughs. I hope everyone is happy and healthy this holdiday season. I will let you know how "Santa" treated us. God bless.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Septmber 2004 - September 2010

Brycen had heart surgery December 2004. Brycen's hole in the ventricular wall was repaired with a tephlon patch. Then they found a second hole in the atrial wall. That hole is still open.

Brycen was cleared to moved to New York when he was 6 months old. Brycen's parents moved their family from Kinston, NC to Aurora, NY to live with Leah's parents. They are currently looking for their own home.

Leah and Mike got jobs and maintained their bills. Brycen spent most of the days with sitters. At 4 he was accepted into the PreK program and then into Kindergarten. He is currently in 1st grade and thriving.

Leah and Mike have had many struggles; emotionally, financially, in the marriage. Within the years their marriage strengthened and many roller coaster rides. Many weekender and memories made.

Now, we are a happy family. Now, we have many responsibilities in the community and church. I am the Youth Sunday School Teacher. Mike is the Ward Clerk. Brycen loves primary.

We have found that I am allergic to the environment and mike is allergic to the environment and to certain foods. We are so grateful for a family in the ward that has started a group about living with food allergies.

We have been spending holidays with family and what a joy that is. We sorely miss the family that is far away. We miss our friends that are not near us. We miss those who have passed unexpectedly or expectedly.

We love going to movies and being outside. So many more memories to share as this blog grows. Also, we are so proud of Brad in his decision to serve a mission in Spain.

July 2002 - September 2004

Mike and Leah met September 2000 at Courtside Apts in Orem, UT 2000; They fell in love.  Mike purposed to her at the Joseph Smith Building on October 7, 2000.  Mike followed her home for Christmas.  He was welcomed in by open arms.  The wedding date was set for July 20, 2002.  Leah needed to go back to New York in January 2001.  Mike was soon to follow May of that year.  The wedding planning began. 

July 20, 2002 came all to quickly.  They were married in Vernal, UT Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; surrounded by family and friends.  Mike and Leah lived back in NY while he went to school at Finger Lakes School of Massage and worked.  She worked for the school district and was a cheer coach for the JV team. 

July 2003 they were off to North Carolina were Mike had a job as a Massage Therapy in a Spa and she was going to be a stay at home mom.  Life took different turns and she went to work.

September 16, 2004 they were blessed with a beautiful 9lb 11oz 21" baby boy they named Brycen.  He came via c-section.  Mom and baby were healthy.  Mom and baby were released 3 days later.  Leah's mom (grandma) came to NC to help the new family adjust.

Surprises yet again came to the new family.  The beautiful baby was diagnosed with a hole in the heart.  Within the 1st week of his young life they were at a cardiologist.  Thankfully, Leah's mom was there to hear was Dr. Hannon had to say.  There was a large hole in the ventricular wall pumping the blood backwards.  Then, it was doctors every week.  Leah became a stay at home not by choice but by circumstance.